Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tabata makes you hotta 2

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Tabata Scores for January 9, 2012

Boot campers completed a classic tabata protocol of
8 cycles of 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest.
There were four rounds with these full body moves.

5:30 pm class

Dock workers
Sumo Squat knee
Mt climbers
Jack knives
Total scores were
814 Jordana
786 Erin
783 Chrsitine
763 Heather
763 Jen A
694 Amanda
682 Melissa
669 Tara
500 Jessie
447 Ann
Total reps in 16 minutes of work: 6901

Dock workers
Kettle bell swings
Mt climbers
Jack knives

736 Julie
560 Eva
514 Koko
453 Kayla (Modified drills )
Total reps in 16 minutes of work:2263
Great job everyone! 

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